Regular Giving
If you have not yet stepped into regular generosity at Beloved yet, we would love to call you into beginning that now. Setting up reoccuring giving helps our ministry efforts to be more regular and consistent by smoothing out the monthly income and showing a commitment to regular giving that plans can be based on. Please consider using ACH for your donation as giving using ACH bank transfers only cost $.30 per transaction. Debit or credit cards cost an additional 2.15% on top of the $.30 per transaction fee.
"Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under complusion, for God loves a cheerful giver." - 2 Corinthians 9:7
Building Fund Goal
At the end of 2022, we asked the church to prayerfully consider giving above and beyond our regular giving as part of a three-year goal of raising $250,000 in order to be positioned to step into purchasing, leasing, or outfitting a facility for Beloved Church to gather in and operate out of. You may continue to give towards this future building as you feel led by donating to the "building fund".
Jesus said, "For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save the lost” (Luke 19:10, CSB). Just as He was on a search and rescue mission, we too are now on a search and rescue mission.
Search and rescue efforts establish a base camp. This is profoundly helpful in functioning as a space to regroup, rest, find provision, gather equipment, get care, and be strategically sent out. Our vision is for Beloved Church to have a facility to be a base camp of sorts for the search and rescue mission we are on, providing a space to gather regularly, find rest, gain provision, be equipped, be cared for, and be strategically sent out to find the lost.
With a cheerful heart, will you go beyond your regular giving in this season and give sacrificially to be part of accomplishing this goal and vision for Beloved Church? Designate any giving to be marked for this as “Building Fund” in the Church Center App, online via the church website, or on the memo line of a written check.
You may also give in person at our Sunday Gatherings using our secured donation box
Via Mail at P.O. Box 121219 Clermont, FL 34712
Or text a dollar amount to 84321