
Beloved Kids
We believe the combined influence of the family and the church is paramount in the spiritual formation of our children. In Beloved Kids, we want children to encounter God in His word, the Bible. We do this through fun and imaginative story-telling, crafts, games, and singing! Our goal is for every kid to know they can BELONG, BE KNOWN, and BE LOVED because of the gospel! We are partnering with parents to help our kids love and follow Jesus
Beloved Students
Adolescence is an incredibly formative time in our lives. While it is normal for middle and high school students to want to push back more and more in discovering their identities and independence, we want to lean in more and more. We want students to find their foremost identity is in Christ. We want students to develop healthy patterns that will continue for the rest of their lives. These desires shape how we intentionally invest in students with an emphasis on community, spiritual formation, and biblical literacy. We are helping students own their faith and walk with Jesus.

Beloved Missions
Jesus has given His church a clear mission— to preach the gospel and make obedient disciples of all nations. We are to do this as salt and light, so we care about and engage in various ministries of justice and mercy both locally and globally as we share the gospel.