Peter compared trials we face as followers of Jesus to the process of gold being refined by fire. What does this mean? Is it necessary? Explore this next portion of…
We should live our lives with wisdom, not foolishness. This includes our money and time, and where it is spent. Find out about how to be faithful with our financial…
Peter was the disciple who took the lead, climbing out of the boat when no one else moved. As followers of Jesus commissioned with the task of discipling others, we…
Peter walked on water with Jesus! And then he started sinking. Is walking on water worth the risk of sinking? How do we accept risk in following Jesus? Explore these…
God told Abraham to sacrifice his son. Upon acting in faith and brutally processing how painful this would be, God provided a Ram. It was the sacrifice of God's provided…
Does prayer work? Is there a particular way I am supposed to pray? Am I doing something wrong? Is there a reason I should keep praying, or even start? Visit…
We rarely define our life as in neutral, but rather one of blessing or curse. But what if the percieved blessing is a curse? Or the seeming curse is a…
Jesus emphatically showed us the importance of faith. It is faith that makes us sons and daughters of God. Here is Pastor Kevin's message, FAMILY OF FAITH.
How do we "adorn the teaching of God"? How can we navigate the reality that the way we live our lives is a reflection of what we believe to be…
Jesus began wrapping up His sermon on the mount with a series of tensions that beg the question: "Who belongs here?" Here is Pastor Kevin's message, ARE YOU IN?: