What happens when you fail as a follower of Jesus? How does Jesus respond to our failures, big or small? Pastor Kevin's message, Breakfast On The Beach, explores John's epilogue…
For Missions Sunday, our church planter, Derrick Sekamalira, wrapped up our series through Luke's gospel. Visit our YouTube channel or podcast to hear Pastor Derrick's message!
For Church Planting Sunday, we have the privilege of hearing from our missionary, Derrick Sekamalira, planting a church in Kampala, Uganda.
We've watched how people responded to encountering Jesus throughout Mark's gospel. Now, how will you respond? Visit our YouTube channel or Podcast to hear Pastor Kevin's message, TELL'M.
Final words are important. They can convict, give comfort, bring great clarity, and more. Jesus' final words before ascending back to heaven certainly did. Here is Pastor Kevin's message, CONTAGIOUS:
Sometimes God causes the unexpected because there is something He wants us to see or do. During these times we can trust in God's promises because He is sovereign and…
Paul and Barnabas returned to the very cities that had driven them out and attempted to kill them on their first missionary journey! Why? Because their greatest desire, satisfaction, and…
We know the mission – go be witnesses for Jesus to everyone everywhere – but how and why do we go? Paul and Barnabus show us how and why we…
The missional launch from Antioch marked the full onward push of the mission to be Jesus' witnesses to the ends of the earth. We continue in that heritage and are…