We are led by our desires, but we need a guide for our desires. What wisdom does Scripture give us when it comes to our desires? Here is Pastor Kevin's…
What we say can have an incredible impact, and we need God's wisdom as a guide for communication if we want that impact to be positive. Here is Pastor Kevin's…
Relationships are hard and COVID-19 has had a pretty big impact on relationships, for the better or worse. What wisdom did God give in us His word of navigating relationships?…
In a broken world, grief and loss are inevitable. But there can be joy in the midst of sorrow. Jesus beautifully demonstrated wisdom in His own grief. Here is Pastor…
Scripture gives us many, many practical and direct instructions on how to make wise decisions. But how do we persevere in wise decision-making when we grow tired or overwhelmed? Wisdom…
With so many decisions to be made, challenges to be overcome, shifts in relationships and more, what is the wise thing to do? Here is Pastor Kevin's message starting our…