Is our hope worth the cost? When we are faced with doubt and fear, how can we respond? This week, we look at Christ's example and the source of our…
How can we tell who the real Christians are? In Jesus' kingdom, our actions should reveal who our authority is. Listen to Pastor Chris' message on Jesus' words to the…
How do we pray today? What did Jesus say about how we should offer our prayers to God? Pastor Chris' message, The Lord's Prayer, looks at the words of the…
Upon Sarah's death, Abraham sends a servant to find a bride for Isaac. Through this story, we see God's provision to maintain his covenant to Abraham and the people of…
Jesus gathers with his disciples for the Last Supper. During this celebration, Jesus does the unexpected, washing the feet of his disciples, even those he knows will betray him. Pastor…
From the garden of Eden, we have run in fear and shame to hide our true selves from God and from each other. Understanding the preemptive love of God for…
Esther and Mordecai are faced with impossible decisions. Facing genocide of the Jewish people, Esther must go before the king, risking her own life. Pastor Chris' message, "RECOGNIZING YOUR PURPOSE"…
Malachi addressed the way Israel was dishonoring the covenant of marriage. What do we learn from this? Pastor Chris showed us how connected marriage is to the gospel in his…
When the disciples caught on that Jesus was the Messiah, how did Jesus respond? He called them to something beautiful! Visit our YouTube channel or podcast to hear Pastor Chris'…