Pastor Tim starts off our Beloved series by looking at the deep loneliness of our culture and how we can find and give the gift of belonging in an age…
What does it look like to be a disciple of Jesus that makes disciples? And how do we get there from here? Listen to Pastor Tim's sermon: BEING DISCIPLES, MAKING…
Why didn't Paul just explicity call slavery evil? Does the Bible support or justify slavery? Explore Paul's strategy for undoing the evil of the institution in Pastor Kevin's message, STRATEGIC…
When our hearts are held captive by the love of Christ we are free to do whatever we want.
Our future hope in the coming King empowers us to live out His kingdom in the here and now. There is a present power in our future hope.
Listen to Pastor Tim's message, It Is Finished. In light of Old Testament history and prophecy, we explore what it means when King Jesus says, "It is finished."
A man of high reputation is humbled by his broken life and in his powerlessness he falls at Jesus' feet and there sees the beauty and power of Jesus. A…