We've watched how people responded to encountering Jesus throughout Mark's gospel. Now, how will you respond? Visit our YouTube channel or Podcast to hear Pastor Kevin's message, TELL'M.
What does the empty tomb mean? It means He has won and nothing can stand against Him or His! Here is Pastor Kevin's Easter message, INVINCIBLE.
Why do we still hide things in shame? Christian, your sin was nailed to the cross. Leave it there. Here is Pastor Kevin's message, PLACE OF THE SKULL.
When it comes to money, people are generally either spenders or savers. But Jesus calls us to a different way, and it's so much better! Here is Pastor Kevin's message,…
A blind guy's yelling revealed a lot about how we see Jesus. In this, we can diagnose what contributes so much to our own spiritual blindness. Here is Pastor Kevin's…
What must we do to enter the kingdom of heaven, and how good do we need to be to earn God's love? Here is Pastor Josh's message, THE EASY PART.
Does it feel better to tear someone or something down, or to build yourself up? Or is there a different way Jesus is calling us into that's actually better? Here…
Did Jesus really just call that lady a dog? Explore this seemingly strange encounter with Jesus in Pastor Kevin's message, WHO LET THE DOGS OUT.
Jesus emphatically showed us the importance of faith. It is faith that makes us sons and daughters of God. Here is Pastor Kevin's message, FAMILY OF FAITH.
Can Jesus forgive sin? Is He really God? So many questions are raised as a lame man is lowered through a roof. Here is Pastor Kevin's message, RAPPELLING PARALYTIC.