What exactly are we trying to do? Where do we do it? Why do we do it? Listen to Pastor Kevin's challenge in this stand alone message, WHERE WE PLANT…
Baptism is also a proclamation, an initial step in obedience to the command of our Lord to be a witness to the world. Explore this aspect of our baptism in…
Why do we baptize believers in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit? Explore the significance of proclaiming the name of our triune God over the waters of…
Baptism pictures that we are both united with Christ in His death and His life. We no longer live for ourselves, but live for God! Listen to Pastor Kevin's message,…
What is baptism? Pastor Kevin's message, UNITED IN DEATH, explores what baptism is as well as how being united with Christ in His death continues to shape who we are…
What does it look like to be a disciple of Jesus that makes disciples? And how do we get there from here? Listen to Pastor Tim's sermon: BEING DISCIPLES, MAKING…
Jesus' resurrection is better news than we could have ever imagined! Listen here to Pastor Kevin's Easter message, LOOKING FOR JESUS.
The salvation Jesus came to secure for His people required blood to be shed. Why? Explore the need for this is Pastor Kevin's Good Friday message, HIS BLOOD BE ON…
Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem was marked by stark contrasts. He used parabolic language of sheep and goats in contrast to teach on His return to the city that is…
In our culture of abaundance and indulgance, it is not hard to waste things. That includes our very lives. Jesus told two parables meant to help us see and live…